Mary Shelley

A City of Death: The Shelleys and Mont Blanc

A City of Death: The Shelleys and Mont Blanc

In September of 2017 "The Shelley Conference" took place in London, England. It brought together some of the greatest Shelleyans alive, and it introduced to the world a new generation of young scholars brimming with interesting ideas about Mary and Percy. Carl McKeating is one of those young scholars. Carl introduces some startling insights into what and who shaped the impressions the Shelley's formed of Mont Blanc and its environs. Those impressions were to influence some of the most important literature in the western canon: Percy's poem, Mont Blanc and Mary's novel, Frankenstein. Please join Carl for a thrilling, insightful 20 minute excursion to Chamonix in 1816!

Shelley's Grave - a Glorious Virtual Tour

Shelley's Grave - a Glorious Virtual Tour

The Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome really should be in the top 10 "must visit" attractions for anyone with a literary bent. Virtually everywhere else you go will be overrun with tourists. Not here. What a wonderful place to go and reflect on the life of one of the world's great poets.  Take some poetry and a bottle of wine.  I took my copy of his Collected Poems and read Epipsychidion. Shelley has a worthy resting place indeed. Build a visit into your itinerary - make the pilgrimage; you will not regret it. It will be a pause that refreshes not just the body, but also the spirit - particularly if you like cats!!!