Mont Blanc

Art in the Time of Pandemic

Art in the Time of Pandemic

A short while ago, I sat down over a zoom call with the two masterminds behind a gorgeously shot 14 minute film that is a celebration and commemoration of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem, Ode to the West Wind. It is called “Human O.A.K.”. An actor, producer and director, the multi-talented Ulisse Lendaro is the Italian creative genius behind the film. Lendaro’s co-production partner is Jitendra Mishra, a producer who has already been associated with the production, distribution and promotion of more than 100 films in different categories in various capacities. Many of them have received worldwide acclamation and recognition in global film festivals. For me it was a thrilling and inspirational conversation that was at times philosophical and at times profoundly emotional. Afterwards, Ulisse wrote me to say that our call had “quenched a thirst in my soul”. I share that emotion. I was so inspired by this conversation and what Lendaro has accomplished that I decided to go far beyond a typical interview and delve deeper into the topics we discussed. I hope you will enjoy what follows and become as inspired as I was. Together we can change our world for the better.

A City of Death: The Shelleys and Mont Blanc

A City of Death: The Shelleys and Mont Blanc

In September of 2017 "The Shelley Conference" took place in London, England. It brought together some of the greatest Shelleyans alive, and it introduced to the world a new generation of young scholars brimming with interesting ideas about Mary and Percy. Carl McKeating is one of those young scholars. Carl introduces some startling insights into what and who shaped the impressions the Shelley's formed of Mont Blanc and its environs. Those impressions were to influence some of the most important literature in the western canon: Percy's poem, Mont Blanc and Mary's novel, Frankenstein. Please join Carl for a thrilling, insightful 20 minute excursion to Chamonix in 1816!